Become A Volunteer
We always have opportunities for service on the ranch! Our needs will vary each season so please check our list of current volunteer needs to see if there is a role you would like to join us in filling. If you are interested in the possibility of becoming a mentor we’d love to discuss that with you. This role requires a more intense training and interview process. Please begin by filling out a volunteer application and let us know if mentoring is of special interest to you. We are incredibly grateful for each of our volunteers and every service performed and every hour spent towards the betterment of the ranch and program. You enable us to reach more youth and serve them more fully.
If you are interested in being a volunteer on the ranch please download and fill out our waiver and release form (pdf) and click below to fill out a volunteer application. Once we have your application we will contact you regarding a brief training session. We look forward to having you work alongside us on the ranch!